About me

I have always loved to read. When I was little, my mom would leave me in the bookstore for a couple of hours while she shopped in the mall. I used to make up stories and put on plays with my friends, forcing our parents to watch. I was an English major at Duke University, with vague thoughts of becoming a journalist or going to law school. Then, in my junior year, we had a guest speaker in my Introduction to Film class. He was a Hollywood producer named Thom Mount, who had worked on movies like “Bull Durham” and “Natural Born Killers.” It was the first time I’d ever encountered someone who worked in the film industry, and the first time I considered it as a real career option. From that day, I didn’t look back. After graduation, I drove out to Los Angeles to become a director, preferably a director of big action movies like James Cameron. I was lucky enough to score a job reading script for Kathryn Bigelow. She was deep in production on “Strange Days,” and I had the chance to visit the set. That’s when I realized I didn’t want to be a director after all. Way too much chaos, with people constantly firing questions at you from all sides. I’m an introvert by nature, and writing seemed more my speed.

I was a big fan of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine,” so when I heard about a Star Trek writers panel at the next Comicon, I decided to go.